
Altarus Demios
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Author:  AltarusDemios [ Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Altarus Demios

Vital Stats
Character Name: Altarus Demios
Species: Ursine
Gender: Male
Profession: None Currently
Occupation: None Currently

Attributes & Stats
Character Class: Jack
Level: 1
Hit Points: 70
Magic Points: 40
Stamina: 40
Initiative: 5
Experience: 0

-First Aid

Patron Points

Jack Teir 1 Spells

Character Information
From a very young age Altarus showed his ability to be a fast learner, picking up the simple things such as walking and talking much faster then any of his other siblings. His family being the large mammals they were they cultivated the finer workings of the lumber trade in the small village of Capus, Altarus being taught to swing an axe and split a log before he had learned to read. Though he did learn and rather quickly was soon billowing through the different trades the small village had to offer him. His mind was sharp but forgetful, there was no mind in the small village that could outwit the young cub by the time he'd turned sixteen. Though there was little need of a sharp mind in a village that relies on strong muscles and sharp axes. So naturally, after much anguish from his mother, the young ursine set off, traveling about and learning whatever he could from the various individuals he came across. His shaggy brown fur growing deep and firm as he was exposed to the elements outside his home, his robust red hair growing a brilliant flaming red under the blazing sun as the ursine trucked. His clothes having long since been replaced of the tattered lumberers outfit the ursine had worn throughout his life with a simple travelers kit, a snug and warm tunic, a well worn belt and his rough and tumble pants. His outfit complete with the addition of his cloak which lay warmly over his shoulders and his snaggle toothed grin reflecting the sunlight as the ursine strode along the open path, bringing him here.

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