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 Post subject: The Olde Code
PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:55 pm 
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Joined: Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:48 pm
Posts: 42
The historic "Olde Code" is no longer the predominant law in Atas'Cosita, but remains archived for Reference. Herein resides a basic understanding of the 'olde code' and excerpts from the history books as to why these laws are intact and followed.

1- The Rah/King is above all rules. Appointed by the Primes, all orders given by the ruler must be followed immediately and without question.
"The primes love their children, their 'furres'. From these furres they found one who was boldest, bravest, smartest and most loved of all. They bestowed upon that furre the status of 'Ruler'. This Divine Right is granted to all furres who are borne of the blood of the founding King of Atas`Cosita, King Mollet"
~ Master Scholar Draxilous

2- A tithe must be given to the nobles of Atas`Cosita once a year, consisting of three bags of gold per family or if gold is unobtainable than half their crop or animal stock.
"Our royal families are decided by the primes themselves, and these families are not required to tend their gardens or feed their herd beasts. This job is reserved for those born into that class, the class of the peasant. And so it is the job of said peasant to provide the royals with the much-needed food to let them survive through the winters. If they do not provide the food, then the peasants must supply coins to the Royal families so that the nobles may purchase their food outside the kingdom"
~ Master Scholar Draxilous

3- Due to the vampire plague, all vampires are considered outlaws and are to be removed from the kingdom. If they refuse to leave they shall be hunted down and eliminated.
"And from the darkness of the night they came, slaughtering our people one by one. The elderly, the women, the children, nobody was safe, all were felled before the horrid vampires. King Alidiphus sent forth his bravest, boldest warriors to meet the plague of nightwalkers. Only one returned, barely alive, he came back with the news of the nightwalkers retreat. King Alidiphus' troops were triumphant and had driven away the hated vampires. That very night King Alidiphus declared all nightwalkers a crime against the purity of the primes. And so was written the law that all vampires would be removed from our lands, or else they be slaughtered as they did indeed slaughter our people"
~ Master Scholar Elira

4- A following list of all other creatures not created by the primes will be as followed. These creatures are to be removed from the kingdom or hunted down and eliminated. ¨ Vampires ¨ Were Creatures ¨ Fae born Creatures ¨ Demons ¨ Dragons
"The primes blessed us with our forms, two eyes; two ears; one nose; one mouth; a body covered in fur; two arms and two paws, and on the end of those hands 5 digits each; two legs and two feet, and on the end of those feet, likewise 5 digits. We were blessed with the name 'furres' and we were set upon these lands to grow and prosper, eating from the lands the plants and animals provided by the primes. The dark primes did despise us, and set creatures of their own creation to bend our pure ways. Ones that drank the blood of living furres to survive, furres that could change shape and strength at will, smaller furres that needed magic to live, great hulking creatures from the depths of the abyss and great lizards with wings that spewed fire from their jaws. These creatures are impure creations and are to be eliminated to keep pure the blessed strain that is 'furre'"
~ Master Scholar Elira

4b- All beings were created equal in body and soul, and all furres being equal shall be treated equally. No creature is forbidden from the Kingdom of Atas`Cosita unless they present a threat to said Kingdom.
"Freshly released from the control of Tallus, Queen Zaboo did amend the purity law, stating that all furres - vampires, Were's, fae's, dragons, or anything of supernatural blood were welcome within Atas`Cosita, for time has proved that they are just as true and loyal, in some cases, even more so, than many other 'furres'. Some furres are angered by the Queen's decision, but hopefully in time, they will see how they err"
~ Master Scholar TheArcane

5- Any false gods will be found out and their worshipers shall be eliminated. Only the worshiping of the TRUE primes will be allowed.
"These gods were named Lartheus, god of the night; Ithicoa goddess of day; Garlnif, god of war, Reliousnt god of love. These gods were worshiped by the furres and the true Primes were forgotten. In their rage they sent forth a rot that infested our crops. It was not until Queen Faxifor outlawed the worship of these gods that the rot lifted"
~ Master Scholar Davilren

6- All furres must stay within their social class. Any fighter found casting a spell will face the possibility of expulsion from the kingdom. Any magic user found using a weapon will face the possibility of expulsion from the kingdom. Likewise no commoner should strive to prove him or herself of royal blood. No citizen should stray from his or her profession. One's destiny is written.
"And so the bold Mortrilad was slain when his opponent, Wentlik threw down his sword and launched a bolt of lightening towards the unsuspecting Mortrilad. The just and fair Mortrilad had given Wentlik his life in return for leaving the lands and in return the foul furre struck him down. Since then Queen Faxifor has sent out the proclamation that only mages may use magic and only fighters may use weapons. It is whispered that Mortilad was Faxifor's lover, and that is why she is being so strict. She has threatened to drive all breakers of this law from the kingdom, or remove their heads"
~ Master Scholar Davilren

7- The Rah has the ability to take as many mates as they deem necessary to provide an adequate heir to the throne. Any mate that is unable to provide an heir is subject to the Rah's disposal by any means the Rah may choose. If no heir is worthy of the throne, or no heir is provided by the Rah's mate then the Rah may choose to bestow his or her Divine Right onto another furre, and thus the divine right is passed onto another bloodline. No furre may oppose the wishes of the Rah when it comes time for the Rah to choose a mate.
"King Ubreckt did amend the Divine Right law, and make it thus - That a ruler may pass on the Divine Right onto another furre if there is no proper heir. He also declared that as rulers are blessed by the Primes they should indeed have the ability to mate with more than one furre. No furre may deny the Rah for anything"
~ Master Scholar Alreant

8- No council shall sit in attendance to the Rah. As the Rah is blessed by the Primes, they need not the approval of any other furre. A Rah may employ 'Advisors'. These Advisors shall only 'suggest' possible solutions. No advisor has power over the Rah.
"Many furres were shocked when King Ubreckt disbanded the Council of Peers, a long standing establishment within Atas`Cosita. His reasons were that because the Rah was appointed by the Primes, there is no reason they should answer to any furre. The nobles who sat on the Council of Peers stood up to Ubreckt, not for the kingdom, but for their own wants and needs. King Ubreckt drove them out of the kingdom. No sign of the exiled nobles has been seen, many furres hope they are still alive, but we very much doubt it"
~ Master Scholar Alreant

9- Any citizen found pledging allegiance to a kingdom other than Atas`Cosita is subject to the penalties, as they are not devoting themselves completely to the advancement of our kingdom. A furre may not share their loyalties.
"It was found that many a family had residences within the kingdom of Sodore, the king of Atas` Cosita, King Titanius, hated King Elwind, the ruler of Sodore, most deeply. King Titanius then took those families into the Town Square. One by one he slaughtered them all, as proof that mixed loyalties shall not be tolerated"
~ Master Scholar Cognomen

10- All citizens of Atas`Cosita, with the exemption of the Nobility, are forbidden from entering the catacombs beneath the chapel within the head city of Atas`Cosita. Any furre found within the Catacombs shall be arrested and are subjected to punishment set by the Rah.
"The young femme was found within the Catacombs, a bucket of red paint in her paws and a shovel against the floor. She was carried away, screaming loudly the word Masshu. We have yet to find out what Masshu means, though we are toiling day and night. King Ubreckt sentenced the young femme to death. She was found hanged in her cell the morning of her execution."
~ Master Scholar Alreant

The following are from the pages of the history books. The passages that follow are not complete. Time and wear and tear on the books have made some passages illegible. In some area's someone has inked out passages for unknown reasons.

"Pantaloons. And henceforth the Royalties of Atas`Cosita were to be clothed when out of doors. For royalty must set examples to the lesser beings. It was to become tradition in the southeastern town of Bar`Akah that only aprons were worn ........... was to be exiled for his short style of apron that forever traumatized the King himself!"

" And they brought forth the young maiden. She was as pure and pale as Digo silk. She pulled nervously at the ties that bound her, but to no avail. King Titanius ordered her gagged. No confession would be heard from her. None was necessary. The daughter of Elwind was obviously a spy. Her tears slipped down her face, but the wise King knew the lies for what they were. He laughed, and then with a simple gesture, ordered her to be 'cleansed'. The citizens of Atas`Cosita cheered. And so she was strapped to..."

"Many furres returned from that campaign, and there was much rejoicing. The time of Faxifor was a prosperous one, with the Primes of Light smiling on Atas`Cosita. There were good crops and stocked larders. Bards came back to the land, and the soil, trees and plants seemed to glow with life. They knew, then, that the land itself was blessed by the Primes, and was the bringer of life. Atas`Cosita was sacred ground..."

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